Get a website - make a website showing the design and usage of the virtual learning spaces. would like to have an intro/navigation based on the interface for the VLS's. Page should be set up like you were looking into the virtual learning space and using it on the website.
Advertise in newspaper - Bangor daily news / The edge / Campus newspaper / Online editorials. Be seen by local readers, most likely adults/parents, but thats ok because they are the ones who will bring their kids to try out the VLSpaces.
Get product in stores - Not really an item for consumer purchase, so it may not hit stores. However, an installation in the children's museum or local school would be a better product placement for the VLS's.
Touring - A mockup build or a breakdown build of the VLS can be achieved with a smaller version of the product. One that can be broken down and transported for promotional touring. Would be shown at children's museums, schools, events.
Host an event on campus for trials - open to students and faculty / welcome to bring children, brothers, sisters to test VLS.
Put out sampler, and give away for free - incorporate the 3D scan of each user, leave the option to buy your 'bust' '3D representation of user torso' - could give away a few freebies.
Post to newsgroups - Facebook/Twitter - promote VLS on forums and websites such as twitter and Facebook, as well as search for technology and education based sites to post information as well.
Branding - Brand all parts of the VLS project - need to come up with logo design -
Get rid of tv - Maybe not my tv, but I will need to put away GTA5, i can see this being an issue.